A Few Notes… Open Spaces 11/6/2014

Dawah open spaces notes

Imam Saleem Khalid said that Battle Creek was one of the cities he competed with competitively. He spent a lot of time between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek. Then he want to Grand Rapids for a scholarship for GM which is now Kettering. He hated Grand Rapids and hated GM and went to Detroit in 1971. He met Muslims on campus at Wayne State and he was a devout Christian. He was raised in a baptist church. Wanted to be a theologian but didn’t understand the holy trinity. Backed up from Christianity and ran into Muslims. People answered his questions and that’s why he loves to respond. People were kind enough to respond to him. He lives in Canton now but he lived in Detroit 2010 and moved to Virginia to work for Islamic relief. He doesn’t claim to be an expert on Dawah, but a couple of years of experience has served him well to have a discussion. Sitting down and helping people understand a sound belief in Islam is time consuming. You can get people to the water fountain which is Allah and the prophet because Allah touches their heart but we can help facilitate their journey to the waterfall. He was the first of his family to become Muslim. Then his mom and dad converted before they passed away.

He wants the opportunity to share what we have and what we believe in. There are people shaken by events of media.

Chris – if you can take care of a new Muslim, that’s the best Dawah you can do because they’ll bring in new people. The trickle of people who become Muslim is 50,000. If we were taking care of these people, there would be more than 50,000. 1/4 women get abused, that’s not right. We undervalue how amazing Islam is. It’s beautiful.

We like the warm moments with the invigorating stories. It’s miraculous that Allah guides people.

How do we go about Dawah?
Chris- I don’t care what Isis does. I don’t care what you think Islam is. Have confidence in yourself and religion. Mohammed Ali and Malcolm X. Islam is beautiful. If people sit with Muslims they’ll love it. It’s pretty awesome to be Muslim

Imam Saleem Khalid- there is a humble swagger we need to embrace but before that we need to develop a relationship with our creator Allah (swt) understand what he is expecting from us. Humble ourselves and accept what he has asked us to. It literally gives us a sense of self and confidence that allows us to forge through the irrespective day around us. People develop disdain without knowing us or Islam, and we allow others to paint our reality for us. People don’t hate you around the world. This is a script we are allowing people to right for us and around us. We have to fight this- this perception that it’s us against them and that they don’t like us. We have to be the people who become the example of what Islam is. The American public is engaged with a lot of things, they’re not thinking about Isis and Muslims, they’re thinking about chips and football and work and kids and the electric bill. We are humans a part of the human experience and we can allow this to overwhelm this. Our perception of what people and society are thinking about us drives us in terms of interaction and lack of interaction. Dawah is individual examples of people acting one on one.
Example, young white American convert from Westland and works for Pepsi. He was divorced with one child at State. He said he never wants to get married again. Became Muslim and is ready to be Muslim and married a women from buffalo originally from Yemen. Concert just over a year and a year and a half. His love for Islam is unbelievable. White American and body builder and has Islamic swagger. He wears a beard and is like what! He says it’s fascinating how his peers deal with him. They pick him apart one by one and he couldn’t contain himself. One guy asked him if that was his wife, is she Muslim. So you’re married to a Muslim? Yeah. It’s okay come on. Your Muslim? Yeah. That set the stage for conversations that just continued to go on. Can we have coffee together I have a guy at work who is interested in Islam? If we see ourselves as having something to offer, it’ll be a tremendous affect. Islam, you have a gift and you have a right to let others know. Don’t be arrogant, be patient, be humble but give people a chance and people are going to ask you questions. Let them.

How do we know when to stop?
Imam Saleem Khalid- it a real conversation. No one ever asks when do we stop. We feel our way through it and stumble through things. He went home after his Shahada and he comes from a family of big people in a small house. It’s like the clowns. He was so excited about being Muslim even though he knew nothing really. He walked in with a swagger that was unbelievable. Mom what’re you cooking? We can’t eat that. His dad was so big, shoulders and height. He came out and said how ya doing, sit down, catch your breath and sit down. remember – my house, my wife, my meal. His father was so reluctant to even sit and engage in a convo about Islam. He wouldn’t do anything, paint masjid and take things to masjid but never went in to a masjid until the day of his Janazah. He wasn’t good enough to enter the harrowed halls of Islam. It’s a human interaction/conversation, you may not talk enough or stumble but you’ll be fine.

When you engage in these conversation, you make it sound natural, but when you don’t know the answer how do we address those?
Alaa- best policy is I’m not qualified to answer this but I can try and find out.

Guy- Best response to a question you don’t have the answer for is I don’t know. That doesn’t devalue the reality of deen. It answers the question. He doesn’t feel he knows anything 40 years into this. Teachers aren’t just people who have degrees. Tariq Ramandan, he has tremendous amount of respect for him. One of his sheiks was a drug addict and eventually died but he was his sheikh because there was something to learn from that man’s experience. We ask questions.

Chris- understand why they’re asking the question.
Saying idk sounds like you’re evading it or you have itty bitty details. There’s a reason why they’re asking these tough questions.

If you have a chance to go back in time to campus, what would you differently in terms of Dawah?
Imam Saleem Khalid- figure out a way to gather and facilitate people. The ultimate objective is to please Allah (swt)
Begin to look around us and see if there are things we can attach ourselves to and be involved in that allows some type of interaction. We have something to give, we have rights and responsibilities. Open eyes and encourage to see what is going on around us.

Chris explains that Tayssir says hi to both the administrator and janitor of the Union. This is Islam at it’s finest to Imam Saleem Khalid. Mohammed Ali was invited to a fundraiser and he sat next to him. He was in his early stage of Parkinson’s. He used to be able to talk a million miles a minute. He engaged in a verbal and non verbal conversation. When it ended, every Muslim went up to him and wanted to take a picture. This man is sick. Doesn’t speak a lot. People told him to go and it’s already an hour past. He said no he told his people to come close and he told them go back and get all of the people that have waited on these tables and washed the dishes and bring them out. He watched the people carry out the food and clear and carry the tables and he watched people peeking trough the doors– at least 40 people. Next hour and a half he sparred with the men took kissed from the women and took pictures with them. Never once said I am Mohammed Ali and I am sick and tired. Talk about Dawah. He gave them his time and his energy, the little that he had. Stop and put things in perspective. People love the prophet. Even the people who disliked his message, this is the best of people. He’s honest, kind to his neighbors and families, trustworthy and a great personality. It’s not about what we say American people are observers and they are innovative with Dawah– call them to adultry, debauchery, etc. we’re trying to call them to Islam. They’re gonna watch they’re not stupid. You’re greatest Dawah is you. Your greatest Dawah is your example. How many people have you brought to Islam? Not a soul. It wasn’t a result if me it was a result of Allah. There’s no one thing to turn the light on or light off. We don’t have an idea of the power of dua. He begged Allah for his mom and dad to convert and he responds. Allah Responds. Have confidence in Allah. We rely on him. There is a prophetic modem/user’s manual.

Sometimes during Dawah we fall into secular culture and denounce shariah law?

When we engage with other communities, we emphasize our similarities and not our differences. How do we do this?
Chris-an American someone was critiquing justice. Learning and confidence. Chris was a zealous concert, capris before they were popular. Guy in engineering became his BFF he was a doubt Filipino catholic. Good guy. Didn’t drink. Hard working. Married his girlfriend. Never asked about Islam. Senior project was going to be him and other guy and Muslim brown friend. Watch them pray together. John and Aiman asked brown friend about Islam. Chris was like what’re you talking about?? They never ask me. Maybe I had been too out there.

Saleem-Khalid A woman was going to take shahada but a lady said she needed to divorce her husband and she said no. Her husband walks in late at 11/- she’s thinking of the worst things. He felt a call to go in the masjid and people talked to him and he took I his shahadah before her. She was going to take it the next morning

Wanna talk about justice??? Let’s talk about the pedophile you put in jail and release with no rehab? He commits the same crime and is put back on jail? Let’s talk about a justice system. Yours is a joke.
Hold on America. You hung people, put gas on them and burned them. His grandma is Cherokee. You took the indigenous people and took their land and resources and turned them into alcoholics. Don’t lecture me. Let’s all be humble.

Event from ISA

WhoIsHussain Campaign
“We [ISA] are working with WhoIsHussain to distribute hot chocolate, donuts, and fliers this Wednesday (October 29th)on the Diag, we will start setting up at 12:00 pm and end by 5:00pm.” 
For more information on upcoming events, check out their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ISAMuslims

Halaqa 10/23/2014 A Few Notes…

Addressing Racism Within the Community

with Dawud Walid

Racism is not just individual bias and social prejudice

-It is prejudice plus power

-creates negative consequences for the person of lower power (marginalization)

The term racism did not exist during the time of the prophet, but there was tribalism (al-asabeeya)

-Hadith Hasan

-A man asked what is tribalism, and the prophet said leave tribalism because it is rotten

Allah made us to be different

-And the differences between the night and the day and the difference between your skins and your tongues

-“We have made you into various nations and tribes so you may get to know one another”

-Our first identity is a part of human kind, then nations, then tribes. Our human identity is most important in this hierarchy

-These different identities are healthy, but as Muslims if we start to create a hierarchy it becomes easy to enter racism

-Original racist was Iblis (Jinn were here before men, and Iblis was of high status)

-Iblis refused to recognize Adam because he believed himself to be better because he was made of fire and Adam was made of dust

-Iblis in his mind made himself bigger and more important than what he was (This is the mind of the racist)

Campaign to stop the A word (abeed)

Racism that manifest itself in micro aggression

-two forms

-micro assault

-verbal and non-verbal

-ex. A man of a different race comes to a mosque, the iqama is called and no one stands next to him to pray because he is of a different race

-racism can be so deep it expresses itself in subtle ways

-ex. A man comes into a room and everyone speaks English fluently, but a new person enters, they change the language so the newcomer will not understand

-in Quran it says secret councils are from the devil (group of three, but one is left out)

-micro invalidation

-someone comes forth with concerns about racism, but the script get flipped and the persons feelings are viewed as invalid or that person is called out about being racist

-Can happen within the same ethnic group, if someone has friends or wants to marry someone outside the group

-Alienation and tokenization

-Someone comes to a masjid, but because they are not part of a specific group, they are not given opportunities to power

-A convert comes into the group, and they are pushed up on leadership


-The most important is self-calculation

-look into your own heart and actions and make them more pure and sensitive to these situations

-It can happen consciously and unconsciously, so needs to be explored within each individual

-When you make fun of people or put others down, you are rebelling against Allah who made people to be different

-Recognizing these situations and try to avoid ourselves falling into the same mindset, and have the strength to confront those who do act in this way

-Addressing justice in the best way with a level head

-If you just feel bad about it in your heart, The Prophet called this the weakest of faith

Racism and Classism are related, but the history of Islam gives us examples of brotherhoods that push these lines established by society

-This teaches us to make friends with people outside our ethnic groups and economic lines

Best time to address this is at a young age

-We need more open discussion about this through conversations

Communities should not close the door to or mock inner racial marriage

-This can be seen by The Prophets marriages and marriages between the sahabba

-Compatibility is important, but this starts with deen

Islamic Society of Ahlulbayt Discussion Notes10/16/2014

The program started with Dua Kumayl, which is a dua for forgiveness traditionally read on Thursday night. It was recorded by Imam Ali’s companion, Kumayl, and thus this is where the name came from.


The topic of discussion was Eid-e Mubahila
Poetry about the event was recited by Rabab. The poem is at the bottom of these notes.


The non-believers from the community Najran, living under the prophet’s rule, were not willing to convert nor were they willing to pay the jizya. Jizya is a tax that is to be paid by non-Muslims under an Islamic government in order to be protected. These non-believers then sent the best amongst them to debate with the Prophet Muhammad on religion.


When they went to the prophet and claimed Jesus was the son of God, Allah sent down Ayah 59 surah Aale Imran  “Verily, the similitude of Jesus with Allah is as the similitude of Adam; Allah created him out of dust, then said to him, ‘Be’, and he became


The non-believers couldn’t argue with this, but they were still unconvinced. Then the ayah Aale Imran verse 61 was also revealed

Should anyone argue with you concerning him, after the knowledge that has come to you, then say: ‘Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down Allah’s curse upon the liars’. (Qur’an 3:61)

The Messenger of Allah (S) told the non-believers of Najran that they would go to a mountain and bring the best amongst the non-believers and the best amongst the Muslims and whoever was lying would be cursed.

The Prophet brought with him his daughter Fatima, her husband Imam Ali, and their children Hassan and Hussain as indicated in this ayah. The leader of the non-believers asked who these people were and then said  “O non-believers! Surely I see the faces that if they ask Allah to remove a mountain from its place, He would surely remove it. Therefore, do not do imprecation, otherwise you will perish, and there will not remain any non-believer on the face of the earth, upto the Day of Resurrection.”


Thus the curse never happened and so the non-believers were given 2 choices:

  1. accept Islam
  2. surrender and pay the jizya


They chose to pay the jizya.


Why did the prophet only bring his family?

He was sure that he was right.


How is jizya fair?

The non-believers were protected for paying the jizya.

Unlike other people that conquered through religion, the prophet didn’t make people

Had their own courts, had their own religion.

The Prophet openly debated the non-believers and we should derive a principle that we should speak openly about our beliefs. To go off of that we should also be very knowledgeable about our own beliefs in order to know these things and defend ourselves. We should take it a step further and engage in dialogue with people of other faiths.


If we believe in the truth we should talk about it.


It connects well to our interactions with other religions. We should spend time to learn about other religions. The best way to spread religion is through akhlaq–our manners and our actions.

An example of this is when Imam Reza (as) would have large dialogues with members of different faiths.


What do Sunnis believe about Mubahila? People believe that this happened historically in their books of history, but some don’t completely agree with Imam Ali, Bibi Fatima, Hassan, and Hussain were actually the people mentioned in this verse although they acknowledge that they were there.


Why is Mubahila so important?


There are many different dimensions to this debate

The non-believers knew just by their faith on their faces and they asked who they are. It is also important to note that these weren’t just everyday non-believers, they were very high ranking non-believers so people couldn’t say that they weren’t strong in their faith.




We believe that are different levels of meaning in the Quran. You can relate this debate to eid al Ghadeer because we see that the Prophet brought the Ahlulbayt, not just common people.


Poem on Eid e Mubahila


The non-believers came

To be in debate

To challenge the prophet

And Islam the true faith

They came draped

in fine silk and gold

to show there status

If only they knew

The dunya is as worthless

As the wing of a dead fly

Then they said to the prophet

Jesus was the son of the Lord

Who was meant to be worshipped

Then Allah sent down

From his highest throne

Words of truth

In the most elegant tone

Verily Jesus is with Allah

The way Adam is with Allah

Allah created him out of dust

Then said

kun fayakoon

Be and he became

This truth is from the Lord

Do not be amongst the doubters

And if anyone disputes

Concerning this truth

Say to them

Let us call our sons

And your sons

Our women and your women

And ourselves and yourselves

And whoever is wrong

Let God’s curse be upon them

Then when the non-believers went

To the mountain

For Mubahila

They were in awe

They couldn’t believe

When they saw that Muhammad

Came with two darling children

With faces so sweet

A young women

Walking with grace

And a young man

Standing tall

With courage on his face

The Bishop exclaimed

I can see with my eyes

That if they prayed

To the lord to uproot move mountains

God would not hesitate

Then he turned to his non-believers

And whispered in apprehension

Do not do imprecation

For then there will be no non-believers

Until the day of resurrection

Who were these people?

That caused such a change

That struck fear

In the hearts of these non-believers

Surely they were

Ali, Fatima, Hassan, and Hussain

The Ahlulbayt

From the house of the prophet

With the firmest of faith

Fast-A-Thon 2014 (Syrian Sunrise Foundation)



University of Michigan

Muslim Students’ Association

Fast-A-Thon is an annual event organized by the Muslim Students’ Association at the University of Michigan whose goal is to attract students from different backgrounds to participate in a one day fast as well as encourage students to donate to a noble humanitarian cause that needs support. This event is in its 13th consecutive year at the University of Michigan. Every year, students pledge to fast from sunrise to sunset on the day of the event, and sponsors also donate money on behalf of each participant to a selected beneficiary. Fast-A-Thon concludes with a dinner in the evening, where participants have a chance to reflect on the day of fasting and the cause, as well as make new friends.


Fundraising for a humanitarian cause has always been a notable effort that Fast-A-Thon organizers rally the community to support. Instead of being a passive student body or being part of the silent majority, we hope to encourage students to be part of the solution. We want to show people that strength is in our numbers and unification, and that we can make an impact and be agents of change by donating our time and efforts to a cause. We are asking the wider community, comprised of a diverse group of businesses, community members, alumni, as well as students to donate. By raising funds for children being deprived of education, this event serves the local community and encourages social action. During the day of the event, participants learn about the tradition of fasting in a multicultural context, which adds to the educational component of the event. Additionally, because the beneficiary is one whose plight has been in the international news media, we believe that this fundraiser will garner support from a large concerned audience.


This year’s Fast-A-Thon will fundraise to send displaced Syrian refugee kids to school. The organization we have partnered with is the Syrian Sunrise Foundation (SSF) which is a non-profit 501(C)3 humanitarian organization. It has provided orphan support, medical aid, food aid, funded educational programs and schools, and much more to Syrian refugees. As concerned college students we feel it is imperative fundraise to support SSF’s educational programs and schools. According to UNHCR, WFP, WHO, and UNICEF more than 3000 schools have been destroyed since the start of the Syrian conflict, and about 90% of displaced children dropped out of school. In 2012 to 2013, SSF spent $285,698 dollars funding schools, teachers, textbooks, and more. It is a great opportunity to provide students and the general community a medium to contribute how ever much they can to improve Syrian kids’ access to an education.

Fast-A-Thon 1

Fast-A-Thon has grown popular at a national level in top U.S Universities. It has been an annual event that Muslim communities at different college campuses host to bring together both Muslim students and students of other beliefs to meet Muslims and learn something new about the Islamic faith. The one practical step this event encourages students to uphold is fasting from food and drinking from dawn to sunset. This is one of the tenets of Islam and on the day of the event students are encouraged to try this unique ritual. At the University of Michigan, the event has been successful for the past thirteen years, bringing together up to two hundred students from different backgrounds to break fast together at the time of sunset.


Students that have attended this event have expressed the spiritual upliftment they feel as a result of participating in Fast-A-Thon. Whether its the short inspiring sermon, making new friends during breakfast, or the long hours of fasting followed by a tasty dinner, all these are what make Fast-A-Thon a highly anticipated event by U of M students. For Muslim students, this event is especially unique as they get to teach a friend or classmate about their faith and why they fast.



Every year the organizers of Fast-A-Thon strive to make the event a unique experience for the attendees. That means serving a delicious meal as a reward for those who fasted the long hours in the day. That also means arranging for a great motivational speaker to engage the audience. These two expectations that Fast-A-Thon organizers have fulfilled in the past, require a great amount of money to provide. Organizers of Fast-A-Thon across the nation usually charge students to attend. However, at the University of Michigan, organizers have kept the attendance free of cost and we as well want to maintain that.Thus, we reach out to you to help us strengthen our budget for this highly appreciated event by many U of M students.  Funding is crucial as the success of this type of event has proven to be correlated with the amount of money the organizers are allowed.

Fast-A-Thon 2

To register for the event please visit: http://muslims.studentorgs.umich.edu/fast-a-thon-2

To donate to the event please visit: https://www.launchgood.com/project/uofmfat

Halaqa 10/16/2014 A Few Notes…

Halaqa 10/16/2014

Sh. Ali Suleiman Ali

Family Matters-

Islam has its own well established system, this system of life has no stone unturned. The system of Islam guides the servants first to Allah and then in their relationships.

The rights of parents on their children and the rights of children on the parents:

-If one fails to give one his or her rights, they will not be on good terms

-case studies

-Nuh and his son

-father is righteous and the son and mother are not

-Ibrahim, his father, and his sons

-Ibrahim’s father was not Muslim and tried to raise him as an idol worshiper.

-We do not choose our children or our parents, it is from Allah

-When Ibrahim got older, he dealt with his father in an excellent manner

-Addressed his father in one of the best terms and spoke kindly when he tried to guide him even when his father became harsh on him

-Father threatened to stone Ibrahim, and Ibrahim said peace be on you

-There are many people who are harsh on their parents. People should take examples from Islam to see how to deal with parents even if parents are wrong.

-The way Ibrahim treated his father, is the way Ismail treated his father

-They had good open communication

-Two daughters of Shooaib

-Open communication in this relationship

-Daughters tell Musa their father is old and that is why they go to the well

-Reminds us to help our parents

-The rights of the parents come first

-rights two-fold: before you have kids and after

-give them their rights before they enter the world

-Choose for your offspring (good spouse you can trust with your offspring)

-Men marry women for these reasons (last one should not be forgotten)

-beauty, wealth, family, and deen

-A slave woman is better than a woman of great beauty who is not Muslim

-If someone asks for your daughter, look to deen and character

-If you give your children their rights accordingly, Inshuallah they will give you your rights in old age (not 100% like stories in the Quran show)

-The rights children have on their parents

-Before trying for a child, there is a dua that should be made

-child comes into world man should be with wife and make Athan

-Give him or her a good name

-Give thanks to Allah by making a sacrifice

-Feed him halal

-Wives of prophet and sahaba would say we can stand hunger, but we cannot stand hell fire

-Teach tawheed from the beginning

-Put taqawa in their hearts (awareness of Allah, and that He sees all)

-Will help guide kids who have gone astray

-Teach children how to pray

-Be an advocate for good and condemn what is wrong

-Teach children not to be arrogant and to speak with a respectful voice

-Parents should be a good example for their children

-Rights of parents on children

-Islam is a deen of mercy and ethics

-Allah commands us to worship no one but him and treat our parents with full kindness especially the mother

-Don’t even say “ooff” to them

-The only place to say no to parents is when they tell you to commit sheirk, but you should still treat them with respect and kindness

-Boy or girl interested in a man or woman for marriage but parents do not agree, but Allah warns us about not disobeying our parents

-Then girl and guy get confused about what to do because they do not want to disobey their parents

-In this case, one needs to look at the girl and boy and see if there is compatibility based on deen

-If parents want a divorce for no good reason, should not be followed because injustice

-Forced marriages not allowed

Those who take care of orphans will be close to the prophet in Jannah

-As the boy or girl grow up it becomes different, but it is doable

-Adopted children cannot take the last name of those who take them in

Resistance Through the Arts Recap Rabab Jafri

Palestinian Awareness Week was hosted by Students Allied for Freedom and Equality. One of the events they had was Resistance Through the Arts, which featured Remi Kenazi and Tahani Salah. It also included student poets Tariq Luthun and Rabab Jafri.

Remi Kenazi is a Palestinian American spoken word artist and a son of Palestinian refugees. His work is political and is often inspired by real conversations. The topics of his poems included the importance of the BDS movement, the definition of political and even satirical commentary on “twitter activism.”

Tahani Salah is a spoken word artist and political activist. Her poems were inspired by her students, her parents, and mothers she met in Palestine.

Tariq Luthun is a poet and political activist as well as incumbent head coach of the University of Michigan poetry slam team. His poetry themes included being discriminated against and appearance.

Rabab Jafri is the author of the article you are reading and is a student at the University of Michigan. Her poetry was from the perspective of Palestinians subjected to oppression.

After the program I had the chance to talk to Remi and he mentioned how with every important activist movement there was an art movement to go with it. The goal of Resistance Through the Arts isn’t just about the performer or painter. It’s about inspiring people to realize that they have the power to promote change.

Links to more information:

Remi Kenazi: https://twitter.com/Remroum (also he has a book and it’s awesome)

Tahani Salah: https://twitter.com/TahaniPoet

Article about the mock wall by the Michigan Daily: http://www.michigandaily.com/

Umma of Ann Arbor

When I first heard of the Umma of Ann Arbor idea, I was hoping that I could
be like the wonderful journalists for Humans of New York who could find the most
interesting people who lived, breathed, and walked the same streets they did. Today
I tried to set out to accomplish just that but after hours of just stopping random
people on the streets and being shut down, I started to lose hope. After going to
Jummah and interviewing a couple fellow MSA-ers I started my trek towards the
MLB to return the borrowed camera. I kept thinking to myself, “It’s fine, you can
always find someone next week InshAllah.” When I looked up I saw these two
women with scarves sitting and talking with two children playing a little to the
distance. Just as I was about to pass them completely, I was compelled to go up to
them and ask whether they’d be interested in participating. They said yes.
“Just so you know, we aren’t actually from Ann Arbor. We’re just
“Don’t worry about it! You’re in Ann Arbor now. What was your defining
moment in your life?”
Laughs “After this guy I have become very forgetful.”


Her Mom (who chose not to be pictured): “After high school I got married and
everything changed. I was planning on going to college and work, but I decided to
stay home after getting married.”
Little Girl: “I can show you how to draw a dove!”
Draws Dove on my Notebook
It just goes to show that when you keep trying, you’ll eventually succeed in
what you set out to do. Plus, you’ll learn how to draw some pretty awesome doves.20141014_212000-1

Umma of Ann Arbor

“Umma to me means family. Especially, after my family moved my freshman year. I constantly feel the support of the local community, not only in Ann Arbor but Troy, Farmington, and other places with masjids. It is irreplaceable, and it is a really great Privilege (with a capital P).”
Jummah: Friday October 3rd
